Before continuing to create other projects using microbit, we should first recognize what functions we can use and have been prepared in microbit.
The following is a complete list of code block categories in Microsoft MakeCode for micro:bit, starting from Basic onwards, along with an explanation of each code block:
1. Basic
Basic blocks for basic micro:bit display and control.
Blocks and their Functions:
Show Number

Displays a number on the LED screen.
- Function : To display numerical data, such as calculation results or sensor readings.
Show String

Displays text or string on the LED screen in scroll form.
- Function : To provide a message or information.
Show Icon

Displays the built-in icons (such as heart, smile, etc.).
- Function : Conveys status or emotion through icons.
Show LEDs

Allows manual drawing of LED patterns.
- Function: Creates animations or custom images.
Clear Screen

Clears all displays on the LED screen.
- Function: Clears the screen for the next display.

Pauses the program for a specified time in milliseconds.
- Function: Provides an interval between actions.

Runs the block set continuously as long as the device is on.
- Function: For actions that require repetition.
On Start

Runs the block only once when the device is powered on or reset.
- Function: For initialization.
Show Arrow

is used to display the direction of the arrow on the 5×5 LED screen. These arrows can point in various specific directions as needed.
This block allows you to select one of the following arrow directions:
- North
- North East
- East
- South East
- South
- South West
- West
- North West
- None (Removes the arrow display from the screen)
This is the list of code blocks in Basic Microbit, and next we will discuss the code blocks in the “Input” section.
Pingback: INPUT – Full List of Code Blocks inside Microbit – Wisatailmu